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Artificial Intelligence: Implications, trends, applications and drivers of change


One of the objectives of our Wealth Talks is to give our Santander Private Banking clients a closer look at the main issues of the day. And the top issue right now, one that everyone is talking about, is Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is being discussed at CEO level, in universities and in the business media, with the debate ranging from its potential applications to the speed of its implementation.

The scope for applying AI in business is very broad and it has numerous implications at the societal and workplace level. AI’s disruptive potential raises a multitude of strategic questions that must be analysed by governments and corporations. To discuss all this, we were joined by Esteban Moro, a specialist in Artificial Intelligence and Big Data whose research focuses on the intersection of technological progress and the social sciences.

This Wealth Talk is the result of a partnership between Santander X, Santander Universities' global initiative to promote innovation as a lever for improving productivity, employment and economic growth, and Santander Private Banking.




Esteban Moro Egido, PhD is Tenured professor at Carlos III University in Madrid and visiting profressor at MIT.  He holds a PhD in Mathematical Engineering and Physircs from the Carlos III in Madrid.